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Covid 19 Practice Procedures

Bowen Hefley Orthopedics cares about you and we are dedicated to your safety. This coronavirus pandemic is unprecedented and we haven’t seen anything like it in over 100 years. We are taking it seriously and taking extreme precaution while treating patients.


That being said, we are still open trying to make our services available to those in need. We do not want to put people at risk unnecessarily, but some orthopedic problems are time sensitive and should not wait more than a week or so to be seen and evaluated by an orthopedist. Fractures, tendon ruptures, and joint instability such as a dislocation is a time sensitive problem and can have lifelong negative effects if treatment is delayed. We are fully capable of doing face-to-face telemedicine visits and we can schedule imaging studies to be done away from the major medical centers to avoid exposure. Our offices screen all personnel and patients prior to entering the building for your protection. Go online or call us sooner rather than later if you or someone close to you experiences any of these problems.


As our community continues to feel the increased impact of Coronavirus, we feel it is important to share with you what we are doing to help keep patients and staff safe and healthy: 

• Starting Monday 3/23/20 our office hours will be 8:00 am to 3:00 pm.


• Due to the COVID-19 pandemic we are now offering telehealth services. 

If you feel you could benefit from a telehealth visit please contact us to schedule.  These visits use a cell phone or tablet to connect our providers to you.  Please understand that not every patient/visit can be handled via telehealth.


• If you or someone you live with has a fever, cough, symptoms of respiratory infection, or feels sick please contact your PCP and call to reschedule your appointment at 501-663-6455

• Please notify medical staff if you have traveled outside the country in the past 14 days

• We ask that patients limit family members in the clinical area to no more than one per patient

• We will refrain from handshakes and unnecessary contact

• All visitors and reps must be cleared at the front desk



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